Cage Fish Farming

Cage fish farming is growing fast in Africa. By keeping fish in cages, entire communities can share a body of water, while each farmer can tend to their own individual fish farm. Cage fish farming is attractive to modern farmers because a large crop can be raised and harvested in a small area. Since the fish are in a concentrated area, problems can be quickly recognized and addressed.

We keep our members at the center of every choice we make. We will go on working with passion and provide them with the most reliable and highest quality fishing methods.


Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS)

Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are used in home aquaria and for fish production where water exchange is limited and the use of biofiltration is required to reduce ammonia toxicity. Other types of filtration and environmental control are often also necessary to maintain clean water and provide a suitable habitat for fish. The main benefit of RAS is the ability to reduce the need for fresh, clean water while still maintaining a healthy environment for fish.

RAS represent a new and unique way to farm fish. Instead of the traditional method of growing fish outdoors and in open ponds, this system rears fish at high densities, in indoor tanks with a “controlled” environment. Recirculating systems filter and clean the water for recycling back through fish culture tanks.

Pond Fish Farming

Proper selection of a site is probably the most important factor in the success of Pond fish farming. However, the ideal site is often not available, so farmers may have to compromise. There may also be conflicts concerning land and water use which need to be resolved. Before this farmer should have decided which species to raise based on the available foods and possible fertilizers.

Site selection will depend on the kind of fish farm farmer plan to use. For pond construction farmer need to consider the following factors; soil type, quality and quantity of the water available and the requirements for filling and drainage of the pond.


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